What to expect after a laser session?

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λέιζερ Αλεξανδρίτη

What to expect after a laser session?

What to expect after a laser session:

  • Transient erythema and peripheral edema that subside after a few hours.
  • In some areas you may feel that the hair is hooked on the clothes and in lingerie, it is perfectly normal because the hair follicle has been lasered and the hair remains in the follicle for some time until it falls. It is annoying in cases where the patient is new to Alexandrite laser treatments and the hair is strong and black. In the next sessions this will not continue as the hair will weaken.
  • In the first 3 days, even if all area has been lasered, you will see some body hair grow normally and after 3 days you will see the hair fall out. You will find them mainly on the towels, in underwear etc. This sums up a successful laser session!


Apply a scrub after 3 days (either a loofah or with grains) because this helps the exfoliation process so as to help the burnt stem fall faster.

Any other questions you have please do not hesitate to contact the contact numbers of the clinics or our central email: [email protected].

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